Aku Tangi Kōrero: Kahu Whakatere Tūpāpaku Webinar One
Thursday 9th of September, 2021
Terri Cassidy for Te Oro Tapu hosts the inspiring kaikōrero Maata Wharehoka and Ngamaru Raerino. In this webinar, Maata will share her story of Kahu Whakatere Tūpāpaku, the tikanga Māori practices around death and burial. Both Ngamaru and Maata will hold a conversation and explore tūpāpakutanga. The delivery will be in a mix of te reo Māori and English. Any participant questions will be answered on the last webinar (6). They must be emailed to terri.cassidy@terauora.com no later than 3 pm, Tuesday 9 November 2021 to be considered.
Register here for this webinar: